Now What? Post Pandemic Conversations


Thought Leaders participated in a two-part brainstorming event focused around the following theme: How to give employees more choice and decision-making autonomy while addressing the thrust manager’s need that the right work is being done. 

A small, facilitated breakout group responded to each of the following questions. 

  1. How are the employee choices and decision-making rights made clear and fully supported?

  2. How do employees demonstrate ownership and commitment to deliver business outcomes? 

  3. What decision-making changes are needed to shift more managing responsibilities to the employees?

  4. What is needed to foster trust between employees and managers?

  5. What governing principles and guidelines are needed to support productive relationships between teams and more autonomous individuals? 

  6. What is required to transform culture so that the organization is experienced “as a great place to work”?

Each breakout group provided a rich response of answers to their question that was then summarized by their facilitator. In the second brainstormer, the same groups discussed the two most important actions ant the two most feasible actions include suggested next steps. These results were summarized by the facilitators. [facilitators]

The result confirmed that the thesis is framing the core issue of effectively managing a hybrid workforce and the question produced keen insight on what needs to be addressed. The video and slides produced can be seen on the following link.


Navigate Complexity While Improving Trust


Human Threaded Ecosystems