About HumanCentric Labs

Pioneering Human
and AI Integration
Scalable Growth

Our Mission?
To bring value to BOTH TALENT and AI

Our Purpose?
To serve humanity

Our Story

This story began in 2014 when Michael Grove, Founder of CollabWorks, Inc., wrote the whitepaper “All Work as a Service,” outlining how traditional jobs limit individual potential. It introduced a service model with a supplier, customer, and value exchange, where workers perform multiple services, each assigned a %FTE and value metric, forming a "service profile" that replaces the traditional job.

The concept was first implemented via spreadsheet, with a proof of concept validating the benefits of measuring work as services. It was later developed into software called FrameWork, solving productivity challenges for companies like Qualcomm, HERE, Clorox, and Morning Star.

In 2022, Michael Grove founded HumanCentric Labs (HCL) as a Future of Work expert ecosystem, which evolved in 2023 into a consultancy focused on integrating humans and AI. HCL leverages the FrameWork and introduces a new management model, including strategy, supply-demand human and AI org design, and the 3D Operating Model.

HumanCentric Labs Executive Advisory

HumanCentric Labs represents a team of highly experienced operating executives and expert consultants. We are entirely focused on integrating, managing, and optimizing the new Talent+AI™ workforce. This is new territory. It has been done before. No McKinsey’s, no JoshBersin’s. We share below our secret sauce. We meet our clients anywhere on the AI ROI spectrum. Just starting: Initial success; advance process productivity; and replacing human work. Optimizing TalentROI™ recognizes the balance between replacing existing work and creating new more valuable work faster than your competitors. Process and efficiency driven organizations will eventually run out of gain and lose to organizations who understand that value creation and the adaptability will ultimately capture the “Unfair Competitive Advantage™”. We focus on both productivity and motivation; on speed and creativity; on scale and the least managing to scale.

Our goal: To align market forces to serve humanity

HCL Executive Team

  • Michael Grove

    FOUNDER, Chief Organizer

  • Katherine Elkins

    Chief AI Officer

  • Michael Schulz

    Chief Talent Operations Officer

  • Image of Stan Gibson, leadership coach

    Stan Gibson

    Chief Leadership Officer

  • Joseph Wehbe

    Chief Talent + AI Integration Hub

HCL Leadership Council

  • David Swanson


  • Raffy Espiritu

    Raffy Espiritu


  • Eberhard Laepple


  • Norman Su


HCL Executive Advisors

  • Jomal McNeal


  • Patrick Reilly


The Secret Sauce

1. Recognizing that a new organization design is needed to manage, integrate, and optimize Talent+AI.

2. Inventing a services model that replaces the job model as the process to manage Talent+AI integration.

3. Providing an AI empowered value-based transformation model with a continuous improving feedback loop.

4. Providing a pervasive service-value metric that rolls up into a TalentROI financial performance metric.

5. Replacing the traditional hierarchical 2D financial model with a highly adaptable 3D operating model.

Achieving the Unfair Competitive Advantage™