Mike Grove Founder, Chief Organizer
My Story. As a CEO of several companies, I have created and fostered traditional hierarchical management organizations. I used traditional financials models to determine headcount and job roles. I have relied on management to get the right work done. I have struggled with the use of talent and rarely felt we were adapting fast enough. I have coached CEOs and for the most part their experiences are similar.
Only after lots of grey hair did I come to the realization that there is a better more rewarding way to manage people. It begins with value creation. Value comes from work. Those who benefit from the work attribute the value to work – they are inside or outside customers of the work. Managing to get the right done has nothing to do with hierarchy; instead, managing is improving the focus and value of the work. The more an individual or team can own managing and improving the work, the less management is needed. The result is higher motivation, return on talent, and adaptability - less overhead. This is our goal – HumanCentric Managing.