Talent as a Profit Center


Gary Hamel and Lynda Gratton are two long time prominent thought leaders providing their perspective on FOW in the hybrid era. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnpPxTG_KOA - at the end of their talk they admitted that in spite of all their efforts, little had changed in the way we manage people. Gary muses that maybe hybrid is just another phase that in the end will not change work satisfaction. Lynda then gets at root of the problem which is relying on managers to get the right work done - regardless of where and what people want is more autonomy to make decisions.

I mention this to support our thesis that “give choice and get performance” is at the core of how we manage. The obligation of performance shifts from the manger or oversight person to the owner of the performance, the person doing the work. Josh Bersin’s latest whitepaper reinforces focus of value is the work. His Org Design Framework states a need for changing management and communications. The question is where to start and how to drive BOTH business and talent OKRs so they reinforce each other. This is where we are going with our June 8th event. A truly visionary moderator and three very experienced executives who see managing talent and more important than managing supply chain in order to drive business objectives. PLEASE GET INVOLVED IN THE CONVERSATION.
The video and slides produced can be seen on the following link: https://www.heroicvoice.com/replay/tlt-0608

This is our most important TLT event in years. 😊 Mike


Solutions, Gaps, and Opportunities