Why Trust is Essential to Managing the Hybrid Workforce


Our agenda will include a keynote by Nancy Settle-Murphy, a virtual work expert helping clients address

questions like: How can we create a level playing field across our virtual and hybrid teams? She will be

followed by a TLT leadership session discussing the essential components of transforming managing a

hybrid workforce.

Nancy Settle-Murphy is a virtual work expert, change management consultant, cross-cultural navigator, and author.

Nancy helps distributed teams work more effectively by helping leaders and members find new ways to

build trust, cultivate relationships and collaborate successfully across time, cultures and distances. She is

a renowned expert in the fields of virtual leadership, remote collaboration and navigating cross-cultural

differences. Nancy is the author of Leading Effective Virtual Teams and frequently contributes to

articles, blogs, and white papers.


Keynote Topic: Creating Community to Navigate Complexity

The video and slides produced can be seen on the following link: https://www.heroicvoice.com/replay/tlt-0413


Solutions, Gaps, and Opportunities


Navigate Complexity While Improving Trust